Moving to Minnesota

Madness!  Today was window cleaning day and going room by room to make sure everything looks right for pictures Monday.  Gotta sell this house!

I made it through 3 rooms.  Not bad.

But I got frustrated after I received a call from someone to let me know that important obligations would not be met.

That seemed to throw me over the edge and I felt depressed and sad.

I didn’t stay in that mood for very long though — God being who He is, I received 2 calls shortly thereafter and they helped lift my spirits.

Later, while making dinner I decided to make pumpkin pie so that I could help deplete our cupboards.

All was going well — uh, no, I guess not.  I made the pie crust from scratch only to find I had packed the roller.  So, I got creative and used a can of Ravioli.

It worked okay but the pie crust seemed rather thick to me.  It did fit perfectly in the pie plate though.

Next I combined all the ingredients and popped the pie in the oven.

Started working on dinner again and — oh, what are these eggs here for?

Oh no!  They belong in the pie!  Out came the pie after 10 minutes of baking.

I quickly added the eggs in and stirred.  Would it work?  We’d know later.

The pie was supposed to bake for 35 minutes.  Hmmm … not ready yet.  Added another 10 minutes.  Nope, still  not ready.  Added another 10 minutes.

Out it came.  Looked good.

After dinner, I had the first piece of pie since my family thought by now that I was a little wacky.

Tasted good.  The crust was a little thick but overall not bad.

Then my son, who just came home from being out of the country, bit into his piece.

“I think I just got a chunk of ginger.”

Oh well.  Trying to bake without the proper utensils and in a hurry doesn’t work too well.

Life as it is.

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