Awaiting Autumn to Arrive

It’s pretty much here — the season we call autumn. Looking out the window the trees are turning yellow yet they don’t seem to be dropping as quickly as they did last year. We did experience, perhaps because of the dry weather?, a lot of falling acorns this year which we didn’t have last year.

Yesterday I headed out to the perimeter of our property and swept the leaves, dead branches and hundreds of acorns from the street into either the yard waste container or back onto the property. My husband thinks it odd that I sweep the street but I don’t like to drive on dead branches heading into our house as I’m afraid one might injure the bottom of the car somehow.

I believe I am one of a kind though — the only one in the neighborhood who cares about such things. Perhaps its because I’m new to a “forest,” as my mother calls it. With time I might not worry about such things, but I doubt it.

Today will be cool and sunny in the morning so I plan on walking the property, gathering up all the small, medium and large branches, putting them in one location and (eventually) cutting them down in size so I can put them in our garbage can. This wil be more than a half day effort but next week is predicted to be beautiful weather-wise.

One of the projects I have for my husband (mum’s the word, hehe) is to saw down some of the smaller trees that are growing — especially the ones that are growing close to larger trees. A couple of arborist told me that this makes for a more healthy environment for the larger tree. It may, but it’s a lot of work.

Well, I best get started as the sun is reflecting the leaves through the wind blown branches as I write — a call to head out to nature.


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