I had an early morning errand to run so I made a quick banana blueberry smoothie for breakfast today. I only managed to drink half of it because it was too cold (I like most of my drinks at room temperature).
Brrr … it was cold outside today. The north wind seemed unrelenting and it took my breath away. By the time I got home, I was really hungry. I scrounged around inside the refrigerator and found some leftover eggplant dippers that I devoured. Then I finished my morning smoothie (a little odd I know since it was now warm).
Dinner rolled around pretty quickly and it was absolutely scrumptious. We had chicken pumpkin curry sliders, thyme garlic pan grilled asparagus (with tomatoes) and thyme roasted sweet potatoes. One can’t go wrong when they have sweet potatoes thrown in with dinner — my favorite!

I’ve been getting used to drinking more herbal tea with a tad bit of honey added.
And let’s not forget to drink water! Lots of water!