Re-Starting on the Paleolithic Diet

After returning from a cruise where we were tempted with every kind of food under the sun (well, okay, don’t take that too literally), I decided to weigh myself to see what kind of damage had been done after a week of moderate restraint.

Arriving in the bathroom, I looked at the scale and scowled at it. Yes, I had eaten bread on the cruise although not a lot … Yes, I had had some desserts (one being a cheesecake that was simply too sweet for me to finish) … Yes, I had had hot chocolate … (You wouldn’t expect anything less from a chocoholic, would you?)

But it was time to weigh in. One thing I learned about weighing yourself is that you have to be as light as possible so empty the bowel and remove all clothing for a true weight. lol

Our scale is one where you have to touch it with your toe then wait for it to show “0.00” before getting on.

I know no one cares about my scale.  I’m just procrastinating in letting you know my weight gain, uh, loss?

Naw — I gained 2 pounds and  was quite pleased as that’s exactly what I thought I had gained.

Now we’re back on the Paleolithic Diet full time instead of part-time. Since I’ve already had day-by-day postings of a lot of  paleolithic meals I decided to post a few new recipes on one post that we’ve tried this week. (Hope that works for you all.) Breakfast and lunch continue to be quite simple since I tend to eat leftovers most of the time although we did have a new tuna salad recipe (see below).

Tuna Salad
Tuna Salad

This tuna salad was quite good and since my son made a lot of it, I had some for breakfast one morning and some for lunch twice. Regular mayonnaise was used in this salad although you could make a paleo mayo that is more friendly to this diet.

Next we had a really really really delicious soup. Don’t let the name “Mulligatawny Soup” deter you from trying this soup. Totally delicious!

Mulligatawny Soup
Mulligatawny Soup

The soup was served with an orange cranberry bread. It was “okay.” We need to work on tweaking it a little I believe. The crust was semi-burnt but the bread was quite moist.

Another day we had roasted chicken which was also delicious. It was served with mashed potatoes.

Roasted Chicken

Oh … are you wondering about the mashed potatoes when we’re not eating potatoes on this diet? Doesn’t it look delicious?

Mashed Cauliflower
Truffled Cauliflower Mash

Actually, this recipe is called truffled cauliflower mash and it tasted very good. I’m not sure I would have noticed they weren’t potatoes except that it has a wee bit of a different taste to them. It doesn’t taste like cauliflower though.

And here’s what the actual dish looked like …

Roasted Chicken with Cauliflower Mash
Roasted Chicken with Cauliflower Mash

Can we all say yummmm???? (laughing)

I’ll be posting more pictures and recipes as time goes on although I think we’ll be making some of these recipes over again so there may not be as many new ones as I’ve previously posted.

The paleolithic diet is not about losing weight for me but about eating more healthy. Weight loss is a bonus.

Since I was a vegetarian for over 20 years, it does feel like I’m eating a lot of meat.  Once I start cooking on my own, I’ll try to incorporate more veggie type dinners.

Have a fun day!



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