iPad and Tap Tap

Went to church on Saturday and the service was very nice although I’m not into “patriotic” services.

Have been looking for a “sock” for my new Sprint Android phone. Cell phones should last forever but mine lasted a little over two years and they no longer make a new battery for it.
The new cell I have has all these new gadgets and makes life simpler and less confusing. My calendar is on it, my contacts are listed as I want with favorites listed first. And I even have an application for the weather in whatever city/country I want. Way too cool!
Went to help a friend pack yesterday morning and today. She is 84 and moving to Nebraska. So much stuff. I’m getting quite good at knowing what to get rid of and what to keep. So much paper we go through.
Since my son is home, I get to play on his new iPad. There is one application that is called Tap Tap. Very addictive game. There is a list of songs you choose from and then there are three circles. As the song plays, bubbles head toward the circles and you have to tap the circle as the bubble hits it. Very nice application. But, too addictive.
So — in one sense it’s good my son isn’t home all the time.
I’d like to get an iPad one day as it’s much easier to carry than a Mac. It’s lightweight and has everything pretty much on it so when I take my walks I can carry it with me.
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