Saying Goodbye

All the goodbyes that can be said have been said with the exception of one son who will be staying behind with the house until closing.

Bags are packed.  Floors vacuumed.  Bathrooms clean.  Ready for inspection day tomorrow.

All in all, a 29 year stay in the Seattle area has gained us friends who will always remain true to the end.

Life is so unpredictable.

It wouldn’t be so hard if I didn’t have people on both sides of the country who were so special to me.

But I do.  I am blessed and will continue to thank God for His goodness to me.

One thought on “Saying Goodbye”

  1. You and Phil have been very fortunate. I know how difficult it will be to leave Seattle and all the friends you have made there. but I'm sure you'll find more friends in the Cities. You know, there;s a reason that people refer to "Minnesota nice.
    " People here do seem basically very nice.
    I have been fortunate to have Sandy and Dennis to take care of me as I get older. Their patience has been wonderful. Best wishes and come see us when you get settled and be sure to send addresses and phone numbers and all that.

    Good luck, and see you soon.

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