
Her name was Hannah and she was married to Elkanah.

Hannah was not able to conceive children so Elkanah, although being a Godly man, took on another wife to perpetuate his name as so many did back in those days of old.

This caused jealousy between the two women — one who could bear children and one couldn’t.  And the second wife would taunt Hannah.  Human nature can sometimes be cruel.

The cruelness did not prevent Hannah from going to church and petitioning God for a miracle in giving her a baby.

When I re-read the story, found in 1 Samuel 1, I pondered my prayer and church life.
Unlike Hannah, sometimes I allow people to get in the way of my going to church for God’s blessings.  And I further exacerbate the problem when I do go by holding up a higher standard for “church” people only to be disappointed. Then I have to fight against the tendency to judge people.  Because, although it may be how they are, we just don’t know how they got there.  
Inside us all, I believe, is God’s goodness just ready to burst out.  If we could look at people the way God looks at them — with the potential to be good in spite of the bad that reveals itself on the outside –how different we would treat each other in life.
God answered Hannah’s prayer.  And this time it was a loud resounding YES!  Her baby boy, called Samuel, served many years in God’s sanctuary.  
But whether God’s answer was yes or no, I believe Hannah would have continued her close communion with God trusting that He knew what was best for her.
A great example for me to emulate.

For a more detailed account of this story, click here.  
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