Ultimo Day Spa

I went to the Ultimo Day Spa in Woodbury, Minnesota the other day to see if they could help with the back pain that I was having. I’ve gone to Gene Juarez salons in the Seattle area and, although a wee bit expensive, they were very good so I expected similar service at the Ultimo.

Ultimo Day Spa, Woodbury, Minnesota

I was greeted warmly and was told to fill out a 2 page questionnaire on my health.  The masseuse was waiting for me when I arrived.

I had requested, and received, a masseuse that had many years of service.  I didn’t want a fru-fru type of massage.  I needed one that took the kinks out of my back.

The masseuse used hot stones on my back prior to the massage and left them there during the times she worked on my arms and legs.  One has to like heat if they are going to have the hot stone massage.

I was so relaxed that I fell in and out of sleep during the massage.  When it was over, my back felt pretty good along with other parts of my body.

This was a very good place to go.  The one thing that seemed odd was that I was given a gift bag for seeing them for the first time.  It had an exfoliating lotion, a list of their services with prices and an address book.  The address book was so out of place in this technological world we live in.

New visitor gift at Ultimo Salon

Very few people use address books any more, although I still have mine as a back-up — in case technology shuts down one day.

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