Hastings, Minnesota

In a previous, I wrote about Hastings, Minnesota and the neighborhood that I drove through in looking at a house we wanted to see.  Most of those houses were cookie-cutter type houses.

I drove back again with a different “eye” to see what the town looked like.  The town itself sits on the banks of the Mississippi River and has approximately 23,000 residents.

Hastings, Minnesota Water Tower

There are a lot of homes that are different than what I saw before.  More colorful.

Hastings, Minnesota house

Hastings, Minnesota house

Hastings, Minnesota House

There is a lot of architectural detail in some of the buildings.  The house below has been converted into condos.

Old Hastings, Minnesota house

The picture below is of the Hastings Public Square City Hall and Police.

Hastings, Minnesota Public Square City Hall and Police

The downtown area reminds me of the town in the Andy Griffith Show.

Downtown Hastings, Minnesota

And, of course, every older town has to have large church buildings.  This one is the Berean Bible Baptist Church.

Berean Bible Baptist Church in Hastings, Mn

An old railroad bridge sits unused.

Hastings, Minnesota

The Hastings High Bridge, built in 1951, is scheduled to be torn down and replaced with a new bridge according to Wikipedia.

Hastings High Bridget in Hastings, Mn

A nice little quaint town.

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