Lake Elmo House Inspection

We have, unfortunately, had to cancel the inspection on the Lake Elmo house that we made an offer on. The sellers are being relocated and the sale is being handled through a relocation company.

They have had our counteroffer for a few days now and have not signed off on it. We were told it could take 5-7 business days.

We are thinking that an April 29th close date is not going to happen and that they are dragging their feet. Or, perhaps the relocation company just works that way. I’m sure they don’t work on the weekends either which means we won’t hear anything back from them until next week.

This is all very discouraging. I keep telling myself that perhaps it’s just not meant to happen with the houses we’ve made offers on.

I continue discussing this with God. Why aren’t things going more smoothly in these transactions? I haven’t heard anything direct yet — but, I know we’ll either find the right house or He will be clear soon about what direction we should go.


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