The Wedding

Puerto Rico Sunset

This week I read this Scripture:

“I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.”  Isaiah 61:10

It made me think of my wedding day.

I took the day off from work to go with my husband to the justice of the peace in our local town. I can’t remember if I took a vacation day or if I just called in sick. (Some would say that getting married makes you sick in the head …)

I have always been a simple person. I wore a green dress and no jewels with the exception of the gold wedding band that my husband and I exchanged. No family or friends gathered around us to witness the event. Just me and my husband. That’s really all that’s needed.

I think of the weddings that occur these days where people spends thousands of dollars on gowns, brides maid dresses, flowers, food, music, photos, etc. And a lot of those weddings end up in divorce.

I delight greatly in my Lord … God has often called us His bride as He lavishes His love upon us day after day. Sometimes, like in all marriages, we miss the moments of kindness, of gentleness, of honesty. And just like in our marriages we always have to be cognizant of what is happening so in our marriage to God.

My soul rejoices in my God …

What a pattern God gives us in our relationship with Him — doing the same in our relationship to our spouses.

Do I rejoice when my husband walks through the door? Do I delight greatly when I see him? Do I feel peace and security when I’m in his presence?

He has clothed me with garments of salvation …

Indeed – in the arms of love both husband and God have clothed me.



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