Working In A Treed Lot

I bought my first pair of knee boots to work in the yard. I felt much more at ease working on our property as the tics couldn’t bite my toes. I still sprayed the rest of my body with repellant as we have many deer that have been frolicking around.


The Gorilla Cart that we bought worked really well as we moved the chopped wood that the previous owner of the house left us to a new woodpile that we made. I’m not sure we’ll have to chop any wood this year as we have so much throughout the property.

Gorilla Cart

We have a woodpile with lots of wood further back on our property where the deer like to sit. Our new woodpile is closer to the entry to our garage. Convenient to get to when the Minnesota weather turns cold. Not too close though! There is a driveway in between.


Covered with a brown tarp, one can hardly notice it’s there.

Now — when will I use that chain saw we bought?

[amazon_link id=”B004QAYWCC” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Tricam GOR200B-T Gorilla 600 lb Capacity Dumping Cart, Black[/amazon_link]

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