The Caterpillar

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all slow down and follow the pace of a caterpillar?


I know people who move sloooowwwwwly. I have always tried to rush them. They talk slow and halting. Does that mean they think that way? And they rarely are in a hurry. Tell them to get some place by a certain time and they will get there — eventually.

The caterpillar eats a LOT yet they never seem fat to me — perhaps because they keep moving.

Some animals feed on caterpillars and sometimes I feel sorry for my friends who move at a slower pace than I do as sometimes people pick on them.

Yet, I can’t help but think that slowing down is not a bad thing. We miss so many things when we rush — nuances in words, actions and non-action.

I’m not a caterpillar but I can decide to slow down and really take a look at everything and everyone around me.

[amazon_link id=”B005HYNWV8″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Board Book, (Eric Carle)[/amazon_link]

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