Christmas Performance

After a record breaking 3rd quarter with hardly any rain, the snow is finally making its appearance in Minnesota. The prediction was for 1 inch of snow or less.

Heading out to our first Christmas performance of the year, there was more than 1 inch already on the ground. We were fortunate that the performance was in Oakdale — a neighbor of Lake Elmo.

The performance we went to see was called “It’s A Wonderful Christmas.” It included the Vallee de Croix women’s group, the Croix Chordsmen Choruses, the Now and Then Singers from Lakeville North High School, a group called Summertime and the Grand Design.

Singing was all acapella. The Croix Chordsmen group sang really really well. They, along with the Now and Then Singers from the high school were my favorite groups.

The Vallee de Croix women’s group was good but the women swayed most of the time and not in unison which made it a little distracting.

Overall, it was a very good performance. Every year on the first Saturday of December, they have this Christmas performance.

I was a little worried when we left the church as when we arrived at 7:30 p.m. it was snowing and when we left at 9:45 p.m. it was still snowing. Slowly but surely my husband made his way to our house.

About a mile from our house, flashing lights could be seen in the distance. As we approached slowly, we saw a car in the ditch. Two other cars had pulled over to help. We continued on our way. Once we turned into our neighborhood it was clear to me that we had at least 3 inches of snow.

Ahhh — time to bring out the snow shovel. My last experience with shoveling snow in the dark brought much delight to me. This time was no different. But I have to remember that we have hired someone to plow our driveway if it snows 3 inches or more.

After shoveling a pathway to the garage, I put the shovel down to leave something for our plower to do. It may be we don’t need a plower since I seem to enjoy doing the work. And we haven’t even used our electric snow blower yet.

Minnesota December Snow

It was calm and peaceful. No road noises. No neighborhood parties. It was definitely a “silent night.” The only thing left to make it perfect would have been a clear sky so that I could have admired God’s starry handiwork again.

Now it’s time for hot chocolate. Sleep will come easy tonight.


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