Minnesota Spring

Yes, it’s happening. Slowly but surely, spring is coming to Minnesota — and not just because the calendar says so.

The ponds and lakes still have quite a bit of snow on them but I expect that by next week everything (unless it snows again) should be thawed.

Minnesota Pond
Minnesota Pond

As I was standing in front of this pond, I heard pecking. A red headed woodpecker was close by. Soon, I spotted him in a group of nearby trees. I walked quietly until I was almost beneath him then snapped this picture.

Hidden Woodpecker
Hidden Woodpecker

Do you see him? Neither do I.  (laughing)  Just as I snapped the picture he hopped around the tree. I must’ve taken ten pictures and each time he would hop around the other side of the tree. Bummer.

There is still other wild life to be seen though. This morning I looked out the window and spotted this turkey and did he ever have a surprise for me. He is fatter than most of the ones that walk around here. Actually, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one as fat as this one.

Wild Turkey
Wild Minnesota Turkey

As he kept walking, all of a sudden, his wings spread ever so wide. I mean WIDE! I’ve never seen anything like it before. What does it mean? Could he, uh, she be pregnant?

Wild Minnesota Turkey
Wild Minnesota Turkey

Normally the wild turkeys are in groups but I only saw one other one in the vicinity. Could it be a mating call action?  If you know, please do tell.

Looking to my right, I saw two deer walking up the street. They’ve been around all winter and recently we saw a herd of 12 deer.

This afternoon, as I was sitting quietly on the sofa, out of the corner of my eye, a huge white gray bird flew by. I got up right away to see what it was but I was a tad too slow for this quick bird.

From the colors of the wings, it looked like a bird I saw in July 2011 — a bird whose identity still is a mystery. It could be a hawk or a falcon. Click here to see that picture.

Our bird feeder still has not received any real visitors unfortunately. But I know the birds are coming as I can hear the soft chirps in the air.

Welcome to Minnesota spring!


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