Imagine being born blind. Â Everything is dark.
Those of us with eyes that can see can’t really fathom what blindness is like. Â Even on a dark night when I can’t sleep and I open my eyes, it is not totally dark. Â My eyes adjust to the darkness and I can make out little things. Â But that is not true of someone who is blind.
I remember as a child pretending to be blind by putting a scarf over my eyes. Â One of the differences is that I could take my scarf off and see.
So when I read the story of a man who was blind from birth, it is not easy for me to fully understand.
Long Beach, Washington |
John 9:1 As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth.
The disciples who were with Jesus wanted to know who was responsible for the blindness. Â Was it because of the man’s sin or the parents sin? Â It seems odd to ask the question because if the man was born blind what sin would he have committed?
Jesus affirms that neither the man nor his parents sinned. Â Sometimes things happen and it’s nobody’s fault. Â They just happen. Â Especially in this sinful world we live in.
But Jesus didn’t let it go at that.
John 9:6 After saying this, He spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva and put it on the man’s eyes.
What happens next is nothing short of a miracle. Â John 9:7 Â Go, He told him, wash in the Pool of Siloam. Â So the man went and washed and came home seeing.
The man is blind. Â Jesus uses His saliva and dirt from the ground to make mud and put it on the man’s eyes. Â Then, the man sees.
There are many different analogies one can make from this story. Â My initial inclination is to see how Jesus can take something as common as spit and use it to change a man’s life. Â He was blind but not he sees. Â And he is able to see because he did what Jesus asked him to do — go and wash. Â Get the dirt out of your eyes.
Nothing would have happened had the man chosen not to do as Jesus asks. Â He would have remained blind with mud in his eyes.
And later He sees Jesus — His healer — and he worships Him.
I too was blind, but now I see. Â So I can only worship Him.