Breakfast this morning was a cherry scone with slices of an orange and a tall glass of a banana and blueberry smoothie with coconut milk that I made in the blender. Delicious!

I used to have these smoothies for lunch in the summer but they taste just as good in the winter.
For lunch I had leftovers from previous days, i.e. red cabbage and chicken apple salad.

Recently, I bought a large bag of the small clementine oranges and snack on those every now and again.
We decided to go out for dinner and did a search on the internet for restaurants that serve food that we could eat and found that Ruby Tuesday in Oak Park Heights has a gluten free menu. The same menu also lists entrees that are soy free, dairy free, etc. And they also have a salad bar. Woohoo!
The waitress was very informative and quite cheerful. She did not seem hesitant in speaking with us about what our options were.
For dinner, I decided to have a salad with the petite sirloin and sliced tomatoes that were in a balsamic vinaigrette. Everything was perfect.

Later in the evening, I had a few sweet potato chips that I found at Whole Foods– just because I wanted to. (hehe)