As one of my friends would say … oh dear …
This Stir Fried Beef with Ginger and Spring Onions was simply delicious. We did “cheat” on this though and used soy sauce which we normally don’t use on the paleo diet but every now and then (so I’ve been told) it’s okay to cheat as long as it doesn’t make you digress back into the “old days” of sugar and gluten laden foods.

The soy sauce did make a huge difference (for me) in this recipe. I’m not sure if replacing it with something else would have given it the same “umph.” Any folks out there have any ideas on this?
It’s hard for us to find a good Asian restaurant to eat at that doesn’t have food laden with msg.
The stir fry was served with Gluten Free Carrot Muffins and broccoli.
I so look forward to my dinners, especially, on the paleo diet.