Day 8 of a cold/flu that started with deep chest coughing and has headed into my sinuses causing bloody noses. Originally I was so confident that this was only going to last a couple days.  What’s a little tickle in the throat?
A month earlier I had joined a gym called Snap. I had gone to the doctor to get clearance since my blood pressure has been a little higher than normal since moving to Minnesota (probably from all the winter hibernation and lack of movement). The doctor said “that sounds good just go slow.”
So after I left her office I dropped into this small gym. The owner, Bob, was really nice and the following day I went through “basic training” on the equipment. I started nice and slow like my doctor said.
Week one – I did the equipment cycle 3 times a week and walked on the treadmill. One 20 minute mile each day.
Week two – Equipment cycle and the treadmill for 1.5 miles a day.
Week three – Equipment cycle 3 times a week and the treadmill for  1.75 miles a day.
Week four – days 1 and 2, Equipment cycle 1x and the treadmill for 2 miles
Then — everything stopped. This cold/flu/virus – whatever one wants to call it — had me so tired that I spent 3 days at home in bed without going out.
I have to say, that when I returned to the doctor for my blood pressure follow-up after 3 weeks of going to the gym, my blood pressure had lowered. Â The numbers were staggering. 20 points less on the systolic and my diastolic was in the 70’s. It had been in the 90’s for quite a few years.
And — I had lost 3 pounds.
I so much want to get back to my training but have to wait until my body fully recuperates until I do. Â I feel like this week I’ve regressed and I haven’t done anything different.
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